Undergraduate Research Bursary Scheme

The Society for the Study of Human Biology (SSHB) is offering bursaries (£800-£1000) to support undergraduate research in human biology.

The purpose of the bursaries is to give undergraduates (normally between the second and third years of study) the opportunity to undertake a specific supervised research project during the summer vacation. The research project must fall within the remit of the SSHB (the general advancement and promotion of research in the biology of human populations in all its branches, including human variability and genetics, human adaptability and ecology, and human evolution). Retrospective applications are not permitted.

Successful applicants:

  1. Must submit a report within one month of the stated end date of the project.
  2. Must acknowledge the SSHB in subsequent publications and presentations.
  3. Are encouraged to present their work at a meeting of the SSHB and to submit the results of the project they undertook to the Annals of Human Biology for publication. The submission can be in the form of a full paper or a short report and will be subject to the same editorial and review processes as other submissions.


The scheme is open to Supervisors who are full members of the Society who currently supervise, or have the opportunity to supervise, undergraduate project students. Applicants must be based in any organisation that undertakes research into human biology, including (but not confined to) universities, museums, and NGOs, provided that adequate supervisorial, research and infrastructure support are available and outlined in the application. Applicants who are not full members of the Society are permitted to apply for full membership at the same time as they submit their application. Membership application forms can be found HERE.

How to apply

The below application form, which requires input from both the Supervisor and the named student, is to be submitted by the Supervisor.

Applications will be assessed in relation to the quality of the work submitted, the suitability of the student to undertake the proposed project, the suitability of the applicant to supervise the project, and the relevance of the topic to the aims and scope of the SSHB. Applications that fail to adhere to the guidelines will not be considered. All applications will be reviewed by referees appointed by the SSHB committee.

Deadline and submission

Applications should be submitted online via the form below by Friday, 29 March 2024. Decisions will be communicated to applicants within 1 month of the deadline.



  • Section 1. Applicant details

    To be completed by the applicant (i.e. the project supervisor at the sponsoring institution).
  • Will a member of your research group, other than you, be providing close day-to-day supervision of the student?
  • Please add title, name, surname, current post and institution of the individual(s) who will co-supervising the student
  • Have you applied elsewhere for an undergraduate research bursary this year? If yes, to which organisation and when will you know the result?
  • Have you previously held an undergraduate research bursary funded by another funding agency? If yes, please provide details including the outcome of the project and the destination of the student after graduation (if known).
  • Please upload here your CV (no longer than 2 pages of A4, including education, employment history, and publications)
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • Section 2. Project details

    To be completed by the applicant
  • Include: i) Background, ii) Aims and objectives, iii) What you hope to achieve during the period of research, iv) Methods and experimental design, v) Outline of the planned timetable of work, vi) if requesting consumables add details of and justification for request
  • Add here any documentation of support if needed
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • (Min 4 weeks; max 6 weeks)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please detail:
  • Section 3. Student details

    To be completed by the student
  • (currently attending)
  • (e.g. BSc Human Biology, MBBS, etc)
  • (eg. 2nd year of a 3 year course= 2/3)
  • Upload transcripts and other relevant documents in the field below
  • (upload up to 3 files)
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 3.
    • Section 4. Supporting information

      To be completed by the student.
    • Please outline your research experience to date, explain why you wish to apply for this bursary and why you are interested in the proposed project.
    • What are your career intentions and how will this bursary contribute to your career development?
    • Section 5. Ethics and regulatory issues

    • Does the project involve the use of human participants, biological samples, or personal data?
    • If this project involves human participants, biological samples, or personal data, please state by whom the project will be, or has been, ethically reviewed. Please specify any other regulatory approval that have been, or will be obtained. Funding will not be provided unless appropriate ethical/regulatory approval is in place.
    • Does the Institution, where the animal work is to be carried out, hold a Certificate of Designation under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986?
    • NB: Work can only proceed if the appropriate licenses and approvals are in place
    • Section 6. Contact details - Award administration

      To be completed by the applicant. Add below the contact details for the person, within the institution, responsible for administering any award, if successful.
    • Section 7. Conflict of interests

      I confirm that any conflicts of interest arising in relation to this application have been detailed below (e.g. Applicant/project supervisor being an officer/committee member of the SSHB).

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